
Four Tips for Staying on Track with Your Training While on a Family Vacation

Second, let's define the available training resources at your destination and pick three key workouts, one for each discipline, to allow you to grade the week a workout success.

If you get these, anything else is gravy. Discuss this with your spouse who, already living with you (thus living with triathlon on a daily basis), understands their importance.

Promise not to be a time hog, though. Running can be done anywhere so you can figure that one out. As for swimming, if you need a pool, try, but call them before you leave to make sure the website has up-to-date information.

You might also see if there's a nearby open-water race which would be just a perfect coincidence! There's a good chance you'll be away from home but your bike will not be and you'll have to make do.

There are over 2,700 YMCAs in the U.S. and it's hard being more than an hour from one of them. They have spin bikes (and pools) galore. Even though it's not perfect, two-plus hours on a stationary bike at the Y beats two-plus hours watching Dora the Explorer re-runs with the kids. Consider a borrowed bike or one rented from the local bike shop you called a month ago—again this is where planning ahead becomes crucial.

Many types of alternative or dry land exercise can be good substitutes to swim-bike-run from stand-up paddleboarding, CrossFit, circuit training with push-ups, box jumps, burpees and the like, to weights or even stretch cords. As with the other recommendations, setting it up a month in advance pays dividends.

A couple more things to remember about vacation. We don't have nearly as much dietary control as we do at home and there's inevitable weight gain. Anticipate it on your initial weigh in once home.

The good news is that once back to your normal schedule, the tonnage departs fairly quickly. Remember that this can also be a great opportunity for extended, high-quality sleep.

A chance to refresh, to even store up a little badly needed rest. Not having the need to combine work and sleep may even allow a couple days where the alarm clock isn't even considered. This is a true bonus so take advantage of it. In summary:

  1. Planning ahead for your vacation workout needs improves your chances of success and having a mellow approach toward each day.
  2. If you identify three key workouts for the week, and discuss their importance with your spouse ahead of time, you're more likely to consider the week a tri success.
  3. Match your periodization with vacation such that it's a recovery week requiring a lower training commitment.
  4. Note that with a loss of control of your diet, you will likely gain weight while away from home. Plan this into your life and your first couple weeks home to ensure racing weight success.

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