
How Much Money Can You Save With DIY Repairs?

Just how much money can you save by doing your own bike maintenance? We broke it down with beer.

The cost of bike service, parts and accessories, as well as the cost of beer, are all market driven. You might be able to get better value than we did by performing your own bike maintenance.

You can shop online for bike gear and maybe save a few dollars when you perform your own bike maintenance, but we suggest leaving complicated service and repairs to the mechanics at your local bike shop.

We understand the cost of cycling gear—and beer—varies by brand and locale. For the sake of argument, we’re assuming $5/pint.

Please note we neither condone nor endorse consuming alcohol while operating a bicycle.

About the Author


Greg Kaplan,

A lifelong endurance sports athlete, Greg raced bikes on the road as a junior prior to changing his athletic focus to rowing. Upon retiring from elite rowing competition, Greg revisited his passion for racing bikes and also added some swimming and running into the mix, competing at the ITU Age Group World Championships on multiple occasions. He and his wife Shannon—also a rower, bike-racer, and triathlete—enjoy traveling, learning about wine and keeping up with their rescue cats when they are not training or racing.
A lifelong endurance sports athlete, Greg raced bikes on the road as a junior prior to changing his athletic focus to rowing. Upon retiring from elite rowing competition, Greg revisited his passion for racing bikes and also added some swimming and running into the mix, competing at the ITU Age Group World Championships on multiple occasions. He and his wife Shannon—also a rower, bike-racer, and triathlete—enjoy traveling, learning about wine and keeping up with their rescue cats when they are not training or racing.

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