
How to Learn From Your Triathlon Season

6. What did you learn by going through these experiences?

We all have good and bad days (and races and seasons) but what you take away from them can make all the difference the next time around. Despite the challenges or painful times, what valuable lessons did you learn? What meaningful lessons can you take forward as you build on your experience as a triathlete? How can you catch yourself from slipping backwards the next time you hit a rough patch?

7. What decisions did you make that were empowering for you?

Think about the conscious decisions you made about what you committed to or improved: your nutrition, getting support from a coach or community, your approach to training and recovery, how you managed your life around your workouts, the number or frequency of races, etc. What were some of the most important decisions of the year for you, both related to triathlon and other parts of your life where relevant? And therefore, what decisions must you make for next season to experience even more success?

8. What habits seemed to hold you back from achieving your potential?

We all have them. Recurring ways of behaving and thinking which sometimes we realize—even when we know it's not in our best interest—and sometimes we don't. What causes you to skip training sessions? What do you tend to say to yourself during a race or training session, or when the alarm goes off before sunrise? In which ways has your diet been limiting your body's potential? Where have you procrastinated or not been as disciplined as you'd like to be? Be really honest and list the items that you must change in order to achieve your goals.

9. What decisions should you make in order to have your best triathlon year ahead?

Building off your insights from all the previous questions, what will you continue to do, where do you need to get extra help, what will you stop doing? This is a critical step, take your time and identify the key decisions you need to make.

Remember, for maximum impact, take you time and answer all of these in writing.

Give credit where credit is due. You may not like some of the answers you come up with but it may well set you free, strengthen your inner game, and keep your motivation high to stay fit in the offseason and be at your best when the new triathlon season returns.

You'll be glad you did: Your body, mind and results will prove it.

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Chris Janzen is the founder of, the leading source of inner game coaching on the web; author of 8 1/2 Steps to Your Best Triathlon Year Ever! and creator of the 5 Forces Formula for Breakthrough Triathlon Performance. Chris is a leading expert when it comes to helping triathletes master the inner game to train better, race faster and achieve their personal best. 

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