
Is Poor Nutrition Eating Your Performance?

Expert Tips: Hall recommends consistent hydration throughout the day, recommending at least half of your body weight in ounces per day. (Example: If you weigh 160 pounds, aim for at least 80 ounces of water during the day). Pay attention to your urine color and aim for a "pale yellow" color. 

We've Lost Our Sense of True Hunger and Thirst

In today's society, many have lost our true sense of real hunger and thirst. We take our cues, largely, on what is put in front of us at our local restaurant and by the food industry which, in most cases, feeds us an excessive amount of calories, oil and salt. We're often eating from cues that aren't hunger and that can be something we have to relearn. 

"You can't out-train a bad diet," Sud cautions. "You may lose some weight, but you may not be healthy. The most important choice you can make is what is on your plate, so make your fuel as clean as possible."

Expert Tips: Both Sud and Hall encourage their athletes to be more mindful about consumption and learn to listen to your body's cues. Are you feeling weak and lethargic throughout the day? Does your energy and pace start to decrease when you are training? Are you increasingly grumpy or "hangry?" Are you cramping more? These are all signs and symptoms our bodies give us to let us know that it may be under-fueled. Start to keep a food log of what you are eating and drinking throughout the day. Tracking your consumption is often an eye-opener to deficiencies and overindulgences, both of which may hinder your training and race day performance.

Read This Next: The Best Nutrition Products for Cyclists

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