
Triathlete's Guide to Injury Prevention

With three disciplines to master, triathletes are particularly vulnerable to injury. Recover quickly, prevent overuse injuries and stay healthy all season long with these tips.

How to Prevent Muscle Cramps in Thighs

How to Prevent Muscle Cramps in Thighs

One of the most common questions triathlon coach Gale Bernhardt gets asked by her athletes involves pesky leg muscles. Find out what she has to say about causes and prevention of those debilitating thigh cramps.

Pilates: The Right Remedy for Back Pain

Pilates: The Right Remedy for Back Pain

Many triathletes suffer from back aches and pains. With the right approach, Pilates can help reduce and eliminate back pain.

How to Prevent Race-Ending Cramps

How to Prevent Race-Ending Cramps

Leg muscle cramps can end your triathlon race in a hurry. Learn why cramps strike and what you can do about it.

4 Key Strategies for Dealing With an Injury

4 Key Strategies for Dealing With an Injury

You can't always prevent injury, but you do have the power to control how you deal with it. Use these strategies to stay positive and on top of your game.

9 Tips to Avoid Injuries All Season Long

9 Tips to Avoid Injuries All Season Long

Don't let your season get derailed by injury. Take simple steps now to avoid a breakdown in your body when it counts the most.

Listen to Your Body to Avoid Injury: Part I

Listen to Your Body to Avoid Injury: Part I

Avoid devastating injuries during your training. Here are ways to make sure small tweaks don't turn into big problems.

Listen to Your Body to Avoid Injury: Part II

Listen to Your Body to Avoid Injury: Part II

Your body knows when it can't go on. Here are signs to look out for and training tips that will reduce your risk of injuries.

18 Ways to Prevent Injuries

18 Ways to Prevent Injuries

An injury-free triathlon career may be no more achievable than a perfect race. Yet with a good knowledge of how injuries are caused, you can do your best to prevent them.

Endurance Athletes and Exercise-induced Asthma

Endurance Athletes and Exercise-induced Asthma

To many athletes, shortness of breath is a sign of hard work and intense effort. However, symptoms of possible exercise-induced asthma should not be taken lightly.

Breaking It Down: Physiology, Running and Recovery

Breaking It Down: Physiology, Running and Recovery

Muscles need to breakdown in order to improve, but too much muscle trauma can have a negative effect. Minimize harmful muscle damage and maximize regeneration and recovery with these steps.

The Threat of the Female Athlete Triad

The Threat of the Female Athlete Triad

The prevalence of the female athlete triad among young women has become an increasing concern for physicians and parents. Let's examine the conditions it's comprised of.

Examining Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Examining Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Is it possible to fall asleep during training? Find out how a few athletes exceeded normal levels of exhaustion.

Examining Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Part II

Examining Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Part II

What do athletes affected by CFS have in common? Learn the different steps they now take to fight extreme fatigue.

How to Tell When You're Over-Reaching or Over-Training

How to Tell When You're Over-Reaching or Over-Training

Triathletes are particularly vulnerable to physical overload. Ironman legend Dave Scott explains why too much training can work against you.

Dealing With Overtraining and Funky Diets

Dealing With Overtraining and Funky Diets

Roch Frey and Paul Huddle; two of the best-known coaches in triathlon, discuss the proper way to spend your offseason and the new low-carbohydrate, high-protien 'Atkins-style' diets that have become so popular.

Sleep-Deprived Triathletes Face an Uphill Battle

Sleep-Deprived Triathletes Face an Uphill Battle

As triathletes, we wear many other hats in our lives: parent, spouse, busy professional, student... Juggling it all and finding time to train can be difficult. Often, the first sacrifice is sleep.

Solving the Puzzle: 4 Tips for Injury-Free Running

Solving the Puzzle: 4 Tips for Injury-Free Running

Nagging running-related injuries can lead to a difficult season. Use these four key pieces of the injury-prevention puzzle to avoid being hobbled by persistent pain.

Q & A: How Do I Treat Achilles Tendonitis?

Q & A: How Do I Treat Achilles Tendonitis?

When chronic Achilles tendonitis rears its ugly head, your training can take a nosedive. Consider these prevention and treatment tips to get you back in the game.

Solving Foot Pain From Treadmill Running

Solving Foot Pain From Treadmill Running

Does running on a treadmill cause your feet to stiffen with tension and become sore? Here's how to pinpoint the source of your pain and work around it.

Determining Your Race Recovery Time

Determining Your Race Recovery Time

How long should it take to recover from a race? The answer varies. This guide will you understand when you can safely start again.

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