
6 Tips to Stick to Your Weight-Loss Goal

It's important to make commitment to exercise and healthy eating, but for some, it's not that easy to stick with. If you want to reach fitness goals, you need to make a game plan—and then commit to your strategy. To help you reach your goals, use these six tips to create your overall plan.  

Tip 1: Prioritize Your Life

Grab your planner, look for open windows in your schedule, and write in your workouts. It's written down, you've made the appointment to exercise, now you can't back out. You've just found time for your sweat sesh.

More: 6 Ways to Make Exercise a Priority 

Tip 2: Enjoy Yourself

Ask yourself what your favorite type of exercise is, and do it. If you force yourself to do a workout that is boring, then you'll never enjoy working out. The more you have fun, the more likely you'll return to that activity.

Note: Make sure to mix things up. You don't want to do the same routine or activity over and over. Your body will get used to the same movement and eventually plateau. Test the waters and try new activities that challenge your muscles.

More: 21 Ways to Make Fitness Fun 

Tip 3: Make Realistic Goals

Write down your goals and remind yourself of them. This will help encourage you. Make sure to track your progress to stay on track.

Tip 4: Eat Right

Good nutrition is a major key to reach your goals. Keep a food log to help you maintain a healthy diet. Journaling also helps to manage your nutrient intake.

More10 Diet Tips to Help You Shed Pounds

Tip 5: Get a Good Night's Sleep

This may seem like an insignificant step but you'll be astonished at how your weightless and healthy lifestyle improves when you get enough sleep. Try to get at least seven hours of sleep a night to keep your energy and mood up.

Tip 6: Reward Yourself

You've worked hard to get where you are and you deserve to celebrate your achievements. Every month or two reevaluate your energy, mood, strength and weight to track your progress. Every 5 pounds lost reward yourself with a new fitness top or accessory. This little celebration can help you stay on track to reach your overall goal.

Shop: New Fitness Tops and Accessories

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About the Author

Jaylin Allen

Jaylin Allen is an expert Fitness Trainer in San Diego with over 12 years experience. Her company, Bootique Fitness, is known as the solution for women's fitness. They get their clients into great shape in record time through personal training, zumba, nutrition and women boot camps in San Diego. Check out her site or call 619.602.8087.
Jaylin Allen is an expert Fitness Trainer in San Diego with over 12 years experience. Her company, Bootique Fitness, is known as the solution for women's fitness. They get their clients into great shape in record time through personal training, zumba, nutrition and women boot camps in San Diego. Check out her site or call 619.602.8087.

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