
Home Remedies for Saddle Sores and Chamois Rash

You're got this saddle sore that has grown on you, literally. It has established such a persistent presence that you decided to name it Chewbacca. You've heard of several home remedies to get rid of Chewbacca, but do they really work?

Most cyclists will get a saddle sore at one point or another during their riding adventures. These are riders that have the right bike fit, remove shorts immediately after riding and wash shorts before wearing them again. In spite of doing these things right, a darn rash or saddle sore shows up.

For any number or reasons, the cyclist doesn't want to run to the doctor to have the entire office take a look at the angry Chewbacca. Many cyclists would prefer to try some home remedies to solve the problem themselves before making an appointment with the doctor. Should home remedies fail, only then do they make a doctor's appointment.

Talk to any experienced cyclist and they have their own potion or method for getting a saddle sore or chamois rash to heal more quickly.

Over the years, and many group ride discussions, I've collected a list of some of these home remedies and have many of them for you in this column. Along with each remedy, I've listed why the remedy may work and the intended effect or the active ingredients.

Listed in no particular order, let's begin with creams and ointments.

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