
The Best Pre- and Post-Ride Smoothies for Cyclists


Sipping a smoothie after your effort is a great way to replenish your body within in the 30-minute recovery window. This drink can be a bit heavier; include healthy fats to increase satiety after a big calorie expenditure, vegetables to boost fiber and a substantial amount of protein to assist with refueling energy loses and repairing muscles. This is also a good chance to boost nutrient and antioxidant intake for overall health and wellness. Extra ingredients that might speed up and enhance your recovery include tart cherry, collagen, chaga, BCAAs, magnesium and potassium.

Intense Short Race:

Efforts that are short in duration do not require a huge calorie expenditure, but they do promote exercise post-oxygen consumption, which leads to a higher metabolism for a longer amount of time once the workout finishes. Due to the high intensity of these races, you'll often sweat more during and afterwards, leading to potential dehydration. This blend should focus on rehydrating the body while providing a boost of protein and carbohydrates.

Coconut Water + Mango + Vanilla Whey (or pea protein)
Tart Cherry Juice + Chocolate Whey + Banana

Endurance Road Race:

After several hours on the bike, your body is drained of energy stores. This blend should focus on replenishing lost calories along with providing a balance of macronutrients and some electrolytes.

Coconut Water + Avocado + Spinach + Strawberries + Dates + Collagen 
Maple Water + Banana + Oats + Raisins + Pumpkin Seeds + Vanilla Whey
Almond Milk + Banana + Sesame Seeds + Cauliflower + Vanilla Whey

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