
5 Signs You Should Change Your Workout Routine

A regular workout routine is important for your body—but not if it's keeping you from seeing results.

"Your body eventually adapts to the training requirements and demands placed on it," says Faheem Mujahid, owner of Influence Atelier training facility in Miami, Fla.

Wondering if you're suffering from workout fatigue? Mujahid shares some signs that it's time to start mixing things up—starting right now.

1. You're breezing through reps without putting in much effort.

"If a client is continuously training at the same level, your brain already prepares the body for that load," says Mujahid. Therefore, your muscles won't be as stressed, and you'll hit a veritable plateau when it comes to improvement.

By changing things up (grabbing heavier weights, playing with tempo, doing a more challenging variation of a move), you'll keep that stress load constant and will continue to see changes.

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2. You're still running 3 miles in 30 minutes (or whatever your pace may be).

Are you generally running at a consistent intensity, distance or frequency without increasing or changing one of those variables? It's time to kick things into high gear, says Mujahid. That could mean it's time to start adding in speed drills or just ramping up your mileage a few days a week.

More: 3 Strength-Training Circuits to Boost Speed

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About the Author

Amy Schlinger

SELF gives you great advice on being healthy, happy, slimmer, fitter and less stressed.
SELF gives you great advice on being healthy, happy, slimmer, fitter and less stressed.

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