
5 Signs You Should Change Your Workout Routine

3. Your legs feel strong—but your arms feel weak

That 7 a.m. Spin class is doing wonders for your butt and legs, but you're still struggling to do a regular push-up. If that sounds like you, you need to add more variety and cross-training sessions to your workout regime.

Look at a week's worth of your workouts and ask yourself: are you hitting every muscle group and are you logging cardiovascular, strength, agility and flexibility sessions? If you are that Spin junkie, think about trying a yoga or CrossFit class once a week to target your arms, chest and shoulders, too.

More from SELF: Your 7-Minute Total-Body Workout

4. You no longer feel breathless during your usual high-intensity interval training workout.

Once your body is used to the same routine, "it doesn't need to expend as much energy anymore, so it conserves energy," making you less tired, says Mujahid.

You'll notice less post-workout fatigue or soreness, too, which means you're not gonna see change. And you won't burn as many calories—part of why you're doing a high-intensity workout in the first place, right?

5. You can sing along to all the words of your favorite song while working out.

No, we're not talking about belting out some Taylor Swift in your head.

"If you can sing out loud while exercising, you're only working out at a moderate-intensity level, max," explains Mujahid. So push yourself and pick up the pace or cut the length of your recovery intervals during your next sweat session. You'll be feeling the burn again soon.

More: Workout Playlists: Music to Boost Your Exercise Routine

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About the Author

Amy Schlinger

SELF gives you great advice on being healthy, happy, slimmer, fitter and less stressed.
SELF gives you great advice on being healthy, happy, slimmer, fitter and less stressed.

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