
Benefits of Decompression Through Yoga

Weightlifting and Yoga

Lifting weights can help decrease the progression of aging through the loss of bone and muscle mass. The more you preserve bone and muscle, the stronger you'll be when you age. In addition, the more muscle you preserve, the higher your metabolism will be.

Decompression training through yoga is just as important, as it can help balance the body and significantly reduce orthopedic injuries.

"Practicing yoga one to two times a week will allow the body an opportunity to restore the normal length tension relationship of the connective tissue to the joints," says Beverly Hills-based orthopedic surgeon Bal M. Rajagopalan, who goes by Dr. Raj. "This will place less demand on the joints and spine, thereby decreasing the risk of injuries and pinched nerves."

People are often surprised after their first day of yoga, when they might experience pain in the hips, back and hamstrings. This soreness is proof that the body lacks flexibility, one of the primary reasons for injuries.

More: Yoga Moves to Strengthen Your Core

Additional Benefits

Here are some additional benefits that people experience from yoga: (Adopted from Breaking the Chains of Obesity, 107 Tools)

  • Increased awareness of the body through improved posture and alignment
  • Improved self esteem and an ability to connect to a higher self
  • Improved mind by drawing in positive thoughts
  • Improved balance and breathing
  • An ability to meditate through breathing and a resting posture called Savasana (corpse pose)
  • Relaxation and calmed nerves
  • Detoxification of the body

More: Infographic: How to Clean Your Yoga Mat

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About the Author

Jennifer Zerling, MS

Jennifer "JZ" Zerling, has an M.S. in Kinesiology and holds multiple certifications in personal training, Spin, nutrition and yoga. Her leadership experience includes directing the fitness and nutrition for guests at Stay Fit Housing, directing the fitness and nutrition department for Cenegenics Beverly Hills, clinic management for several Lindora Medical Weight Loss Clinics in Southern California, Fitness and General Management for the Sports Club/LA and fitness programmer for high schools involved in Matthew McConaughey's non-profit foundation, Just Keep Livin. She also developed and operates a successful corporate wellness program for South Bay BMW and writes courses for national personal training organizations. JZ's fitness and nutrition writings can be found in multiple media resources (including and she authored the book, Breaking the Chains of Obesity, 107 Tools. She is a fitness and nutrition presenter at national conferences and her JZ Fitness Nutrition app is available on iTunes and Android.
Jennifer "JZ" Zerling, has an M.S. in Kinesiology and holds multiple certifications in personal training, Spin, nutrition and yoga. Her leadership experience includes directing the fitness and nutrition for guests at Stay Fit Housing, directing the fitness and nutrition department for Cenegenics Beverly Hills, clinic management for several Lindora Medical Weight Loss Clinics in Southern California, Fitness and General Management for the Sports Club/LA and fitness programmer for high schools involved in Matthew McConaughey's non-profit foundation, Just Keep Livin. She also developed and operates a successful corporate wellness program for South Bay BMW and writes courses for national personal training organizations. JZ's fitness and nutrition writings can be found in multiple media resources (including and she authored the book, Breaking the Chains of Obesity, 107 Tools. She is a fitness and nutrition presenter at national conferences and her JZ Fitness Nutrition app is available on iTunes and Android.

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