
How to Prevent a Headache

You live a busy life. With work deadlines, training routines, family time, and if time permits, a social life; you can't afford to be hit with a headache. But, with all the stress, pressure and time constraints, a headache may put a halt to your schedule. Does this sound like you? You're not alone.

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Nearly 90 percent of Americans suffer from headache pain, according to the American Headache Society. Forty-five million Americans experience chronic headache pain and 23 million suffer from severe migraines. Headaches come in all sorts of forms. In fact, there are about 150 different types of headaches.

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The most common types of headaches are:

Tension Headache

Also known as chronic headaches. According to WebMD, tension headaches are muscle contraction headaches that cause mild to moderate pain and come and go over a prolonged period of time.

Stress is the biggest trigger to cause a tension headache. Other triggers are: skipped meals, change in sleep patterns, alcohol use, medication, neck and back strain or depression. Pain can be in the back of your head (and neck region) to the forehead, above the temples.

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Migraine Headache

The exact cause of a migraine is unknown. However, research shows one cause is due to blood vessel contractions and various brain changes. Migraine pain is moderate to severe throbbing pain. Migraines usually last anywhere from a few hours to several days and symptoms can be: nausea or vomiting, loss of appetite, upset stomach, sensitivity to light, noise or odors. Migraines can occur once a month to four times a month.

Veteran migraine sufferers know what triggers their migraines and try to avoid them at all costs. Sometimes food, light, smell, stress, skipped meals, computer monitors or certain exercises may cause migraines.

Migraines are also hereditary. If one parent suffers from migraines, the child is 50 percent likely to suffer too. If both parents suffer from migraines, the child is 75 percent more likely to suffer from migraines.

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Mixed Headache Syndrome

This is a combination of a tension headache and migraine.

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About the Author

Fara Rosenzweig

Fara Rosenzweig is the Lifestyle Editor for She is a fitness fanatic, yogi and runner who loves to try new activities. Follow Fara on Google+ or twitter @FJRose.
Fara Rosenzweig is the Lifestyle Editor for She is a fitness fanatic, yogi and runner who loves to try new activities. Follow Fara on Google+ or twitter @FJRose.

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