
How to Prevent a Headache

Cluster Headache

Only 0.4 percent of American's suffer from a cluster headache, but it is the most severe type. The pain is very intense and is described as having a burning or piercing sensation that throbs constantly behind one eye or in the eye region. According to WebMD, the pain is so severe that most cluster headache sufferers cannot sit still and will often pace during an attack.

Cluster headaches can last two to three weeks and occur one to three times daily during the headache period.

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Sinus Headache

Usually occurs with other sinus symptoms such as, congestion, nasal discharge, fever or ear discomfort (like the airplane ear feeling--you ears won't pop). Pain is near the forehead or bridge of the nose.  

Hormone Headache

In women, often associated with menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. Birth control pills can also trigger headaches in some women.

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The good news is that headaches can be treated. First, see your doctor and discuss your symptoms.  After an examination and evaluation is made, a treatment plan can be created.

Not all headaches need medication to properly treat. In fact, a few lifestyle changes can help prevent headaches.  

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Reduce Emotional Stress. Find time to relax and remove yourself from stressful situations. Practice deep breathing techniques to help calm yourself and relax your muscles. Yoga is a great tool to practice relaxation. Yoga helps you practice breathing, clear your mind, and find balance.

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Pamper Yourself. Treat yourself to a massage. Not only will this allow time for you to relax and rest, but the massage can eliminate knots that trigger headache pain.

Get Rest. Create a sleep pattern that helps you get the right amount of sleep to deeply relax and recover your muscles. Try to get to about seven to eight hours of sleep. Make sure you stick to this sleep pattern every day.

Keep a Journal. As you figure out what generates your headaches, keep track of what you eat, activities you take part in, stress levels at work, school or home. Notice any patterns related to your headache and then try to avoid those triggers.

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Exercise Regularly. You should get at least 30 minutes of exercise three times a week. Exercise helps get your blood circulating and can help reduce stress. But, keep track of certain exercises that might trigger a headache. Some exercises can strain your neck or back.  Notice what irritates your body and look for alternative moves to work that muscle group.

Create a Regular Eating Routine. Don't skip meals. Listen to your body and note when you're hungry. Try to stick to the same time daily to eat snacks or meals.

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Talk It Out. Instead of holding all your stress in, find someone you can talk to about your daily issues. Maybe a friend, family member or a counselor will help you vent about what's on your mind.

Go see a doctor regarding your headaches and discuss different options to prevent and treat them. Don't let a headache keep you from living your life; create a healthy lifestyle pain-free.  

More: Headaches 101

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About the Author

Fara Rosenzweig

Fara Rosenzweig is the Lifestyle Editor for She is a fitness fanatic, yogi and runner who loves to try new activities. Follow Fara on Google+ or twitter @FJRose.
Fara Rosenzweig is the Lifestyle Editor for She is a fitness fanatic, yogi and runner who loves to try new activities. Follow Fara on Google+ or twitter @FJRose.

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