
IT Band Syndrome | ITBS Treatment and Stretches

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) or IT Band Syndrome is one of the major causes of knee pain in runners. Check out our collection of articles below to help you beat IT band syndrome and get back to participating in the sports you love.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) or IT Band Syndrome is one of the major causes of knee pain in runners. The IT Band is a thick ligament that connects the hip to the knee. The IT band works as a stabilizer for the knee during running. If the IT band starts becoming irritated or inflamed, you may feel pain on the outside of your knee whenever you run or bend your knee. This pain is caused by the band rubbing against the bone. IT Band Syndrome can be caused by muscle imbalances from weak hips, over usage from frequent running on banked surfaces, increased running on hills or stairs, long-distance running, or lack of arch support or overpronation. There are a number of ways to treat IT band pain from abiding by RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) to various stretches or foam rolling techniques. Check out our collection of articles below to help you beat IT band syndrome and get back to participating in the sports you love.

Have other injuries? Use our injury prevention and treatment guide to bring yourself back to 100% so you can enjoy running, cycling, swimming, and other physical activities again.

3 Ways to Conquer IT Band Pain

Get on top of IT band pain as soon as you feel it. These easy at-home remedies can help you avoid a more serious injury.

2 Exercises to Help Runners Beat IT Band Pain

Is stretching all you need to do to treat your IT Band pain? Find out if weak hips might be the culprit and how two simple exercises might be all you need for pain-free running.

Tight IT Band? 3 Simple Exercises to Fix it Now

Having issues with your IT band? Before you're forced off the bike, try these exercises to spur on the healing process.

How to Aggressively Treat IT Band Syndrome

The same tired injury prevention advice isn't going to cure an IT band injury in most cases. Instead, proactive and aggressive injury treatment is needed to get healthy and cure your ITBS for good.

How Chi Running Can Prevent IT Band Syndrome

Prevent IT Band Syndrome with these Chi Running tips.

How to Treat and Prevent Running Injuries: Iliotibial Band Syndrome

While knee pain is common among runners, it doesn't have to be chronic. Correct the imbalances causing the discomfort, and you'll be back to training in no time.

Understanding IT Band Syndrome

IT Band Syndrome is a frustrating injury that can sideline you for a while. But the good news is that with proper treatment, rehab and rest, you can fix it. Find out how to conquer this injury and get your training back on track.

IT Band Injury Tips for Cyclists

Got an IT Band injury? Want to ensure you don't get one in the future? In this video licensed sports medicine acupuncturist, Greg Bourque, of Alternative Edge shares the biggest misnomer about IT Band injuries and what you can do to get healthy and back on the bike.

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