
Your 5-Minute Flat Abs Workout Routine

Workout 1 Lateral - Side Bend Twist

Start in side plank on the right, left foot staggered in front of right for balance. Extend left arm above head. Sweep left arm under stomach, twisting torso until face down; return to start. Do 12 reps; repeat on opposite side.

  • 28 percent better than a crunch for sculpting your sides.

Workout 1 Standing - Namaste Side Bend

Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms above head, palms pressed together, elbows out. Lean to right, pushing left hip out, until you feel your obliques and back engage. Return to start; repeat on opposite side for one rep. Do 12 reps.

  • 67 percent better than a crunch at activating your lats, which pull in your waistline.

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Workout 2 Face Down - Dolphin Taps

Start in a forearm plank on a ball, palms together, elbows under shoulders. Engage abs and tap left knee to floor. Return to start; repeat on opposite side for one rep. Do 12 reps.

  • 11 percent better than a crunch for sculpting your sides.

Workout 2 Face Up - Climb and Curl

Lie face up with legs extended; raise right leg and place hands on sides of thigh. Sit up slowly, rolling through spine, engaging abs and walking hands up leg as you rise. Reverse movement to return to start. Do 12 reps; repeat on opposite side.

  • 20 percent better than a crunch for defining the front of your abs.

More: The Diet Detective: Different Ways to Burn Calories and Stay Active

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About the Author

Marissa Stephenson

SELF gives you great advice on being healthy, happy, slimmer, fitter and less stressed.
SELF gives you great advice on being healthy, happy, slimmer, fitter and less stressed.

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