
Your 5-Minute Flat Abs Workout Routine

Workout 2 Standing - Crisscross

Stand with feet hip-width apart, hands behind head, elbows out. Engage abs as you bring right knee across body toward left elbow. Return to start; repeat on opposite side for one rep. Do 12 reps.

  • 77 percent better than a crunch at activating your lats, which pull in your waistline.

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Workout 3 Face Up - Yoga Boat

Lie face up with legs in tabletop, arms at sides a few inches off ground. Engage abs and sit up, reaching arms up in front of you ; hold for one count. Reverse movement to slowly return to start. Do 12 reps.

  • 21 percent better than a crunch for defining the front of your abs.

Workout 3 Lateral - Rotating Ball Plank

Start in plank with ball under shins. Twist hips to roll ball to outside of left shin and engage abs to tuck knees in and pull them toward right side. Return to start; repeat on opposite side for one rep. Do 12 reps.

  • 43 percent better than a crunch for sculpting your sides.

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Workout 3 Standing - Chop Loft

Stand bent slightly forward at the waist with feet hip-width apart, knees soft, holding ball with both hands at right hip. Keeping arms straight, engage abs and slowly float ball from right hip across body and above head to far left. Return to start. Do 12 reps; repeat on opposite side.

  • 54 percent better than a crunch at activating your lats, which pull in your waistline.

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About the Author

Marissa Stephenson

SELF gives you great advice on being healthy, happy, slimmer, fitter and less stressed.
SELF gives you great advice on being healthy, happy, slimmer, fitter and less stressed.

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