
70 Thoughts You Have During Your First 10K

Don't let your mind talk you out of a great race day. Here are 70 totally normal thoughts everyone has during their first 10K race.

  1. Race day. Let's go.
  2. 5K? Check. 10K? About to be checked.
  3. Crap, why did I think I could do this?
  4. A 10K is TWICE the distance of a 5K.
  5. That means I have to run TWICE as long.
  6. I'll probably die.
  7. There's a lot more people at this race than the 5K.
  8. I totally feel out of place.
  9. At least I look totally coordinated in my new kicks and outfit.
  10. I probably spent too much, but I look freakin' good.
  11. Good grief—I'll never get used to that starting gun.
  12. Tunes: on. Beast mode: activated.
  13. Don't trip.
  14. Don't trip.
  15. Pothole.
  16. Don't trip.
  17. They should call the first half-mile an obstacle race.
  18. So. Many. People.
  19. At least there are fewer little kids to beat me at this distance.
  20. It sure is hot. I'm already sweating.
  21. I'm going to be a hot mess for finish line pictures.
  22. Dang. These shoes feel goooooood.
  23. Money well spent.
  24. Does that sign say mile two?
  25. I completely missed mile one. Fine with me.
  26. This uphill snuck up on me, though.
  27. Ughhhhhhhh. Legs? So? Heavy.
  28. Longest hill in history.
  29. I'm pretty much barely moving right now.
  30. Pick up your feet.
  31. Ack, there's a race photographer. Act like you're not dying. Smile.
  32. Suck it up, buttercup.
  33. Halfway mark. Only halfway? I hate you, sign.
  34. If this were a 5K, I'd be done by now.
  35. Where are all the spectators?

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About the Author

Erica Schuckies

Erica Schuckies is an online content editor for After graduating from Colorado State University, she spent time working in the rodeo industry, followed by three years with Berkshire Hathaway's Business Wire. Erica enjoys fitness, running, hunting, fishing and being outdoors. Follow Erica on on Twitter, Instagram or Google+.
Erica Schuckies is an online content editor for After graduating from Colorado State University, she spent time working in the rodeo industry, followed by three years with Berkshire Hathaway's Business Wire. Erica enjoys fitness, running, hunting, fishing and being outdoors. Follow Erica on on Twitter, Instagram or Google+.

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