
70 Thoughts You Have During Your First 10K

  • There are so many people at start and finish, but none out here.
  • It's pretty quiet.
  • Except that wheezer over there.
  • Jeez, is he OK?
  • He's OK.
  • Uh oh, blister's a comin'.
  • I knew I should have broken these shoes in longer.
  • I blame the shoe sales guy.
  • Nothing I can do now.
  • THAT guy is passing me?
  • No, not happening. I can at least keep up with him.
  • Craaaaaap. This hurts.
  • No walking.
  • OK, maybe I'll walk for a little bit. 30 seconds.
  • One? two? three?
  • Pick it up, self.
  • I'm going to chow down on the biggest cheeseburger after this.
  • And fries.
  • So worth it.
  • What did that volunteer just say?
  • The finish line is right where?
  • Around the corner?
  • No WAY.
  • Wow, where did this energy come from?
  • There it is!
  • It's beautiful.
  • This crowd is all here for me! I'm famous.
  • Pass that girl. You can do it. Pass her.
  • Only a? few? more? feet?
  • Dying.
  • Wooooooooooooo!
  • Gah? done.
  • Blister city. Lesson learned.
  • Bring on the burger and fries.
  • 10K? Check.
  • More: 48 Thoughts You Have During Your First 5K

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    About the Author

    Erica Schuckies

    Erica Schuckies is an online content editor for After graduating from Colorado State University, she spent time working in the rodeo industry, followed by three years with Berkshire Hathaway's Business Wire. Erica enjoys fitness, running, hunting, fishing and being outdoors. Follow Erica on on Twitter, Instagram or Google+.
    Erica Schuckies is an online content editor for After graduating from Colorado State University, she spent time working in the rodeo industry, followed by three years with Berkshire Hathaway's Business Wire. Erica enjoys fitness, running, hunting, fishing and being outdoors. Follow Erica on on Twitter, Instagram or Google+.

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