
3 Common Misconceptions in Freestyle

Misconception No.3: The forearm is positioned vertically as the pull begins.

If the elbow is flexed at the beginning of the pull, to position the forearm vertically, the hand moves laterally (to the side of the shoulder as shown in Figure 3, left). As force is applied during this motion, torque is generated about the antero-posterior (front to back) axis and the body twists (or the swimmer must kick sideways to compensate). Either option is disadvantageous in freestyle. In addition, the arm is weakly positioned for the push phase.

Havriluk Figure 3

Figure 3. Ineffective vertical forearm (left) and effective diagonal forearm (right).

It is far more effective to diagonally orient the forearm as the pull begins by moving the hand from in front of the shoulder (at the completion of the arm entry) to a point directly beneath the head (as shown in Figure 3, right). The swimmer benefits from improved leverage on the pull phase and also has the arm in a stronger position to generate more force on the push phase.

More: Arm Placement Tips for Swimmers


Just because certain freestyle technique elements are popular, exhibited by top swimmers, or have even become conventional wisdom doesn't mean they are effective. The three elements listed above are prime examples. Fortunately, swimming science has progressed so that we now have considerable information to accurately evaluate technique elements.

More: 10 Elements of the Perfect Freestyle Stroke

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About the Author

Rod Havriluk

Dr. Rod Havriluk is the president of Swimming Technology Research. He also presently serves as president of the International Society of Swimming Coaching. He can be reached at
Dr. Rod Havriluk is the president of Swimming Technology Research. He also presently serves as president of the International Society of Swimming Coaching. He can be reached at

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