
Get Fit Quick: Best Full-Body Workout Without Weights

Towel Rows

Works: Back, shoulder, girdle, core

  • Begin in a horse stance, feet wider than your shoulders and knees slightly bent.  
  • Holding a towel, stretch your arms out in front of you.
  • Maintaining tension, pull the towel into your belly button.
  • Return to the start position.
  • Pull the towel toward the solar plexus.
  • Return to the start position.
  • Pull the towel high to your chest.
  • Return to the start position. This is one rep.

More: 6 Best Cardio Workouts to Boost Fitness

Explosive Push-Ups

Works: Shoulders, chest, triceps

  • Start in a normal push-up position.
  • Lower down and then explosively push yourself up, off the ground.
  • Repeat.

More: 30-Day Push-Up Challenge

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