
"Fittest Woman on Earth" Gives Us Her Top 3 Nutrition Tips

Camille Leblanc-Bazinet 

You know what they say—abs are made in the kitchen—and no one knows this better than Camille Leblanc-Bazinet, popularly known as the "Fittest Woman on Earth" after winning the 2014 CrossFit Games. 

Camille, who is hoping to reclaim the title in 2016, sat down with ACTIVE to share a few of her top nutrition tips for looking lean and toned. 

1. Eat Real Food

When Camille says real food, she means vegetables, fruit and meat. "Try to include all three in most meals, but eat more vegetables than fruit," she says.

“Not only does real food have the many essential vitamins and minerals you need for good health, but the fiber in real food can also help you control sugar. This will then help you avoid sugar spikes and an increase in insulin sensitivity throughout the day. So if you want to get lean…get green!”

2. Keep Track of How Much You Eat

Camille sticks to four to six smaller meals throughout the day to avoid overeating. “You want to eat enough food to support fitness gains, but not so much that you are storing excess fuel, " she explains. "Eating lots of veggies will also fill you up without dumping in calories."

Protein is especially crucial for staying full.

“Make sure to keep track of your daily protein intake to support your lean body mass," she says. "Aim to eat your lean body mass in grams of protein per day. Remember that lean body mass does not include the weight of body fat.”

3. Choose Supplements Wisely

Supplements should be a garnish to a good diet, not a replacement for one. “Pick supplements based on what will improve how you look, feel and perform," Camille says. 

“Personally, I take 'Fuel5' by Extreme Endurance for extra fuel at the beginning of the day, before my first session, and then a sugar-free Red Bull for a strategic dose of caffeine before my second training session.”

Disclaimer: Leblanc-Bazinet is sponsored by Red Bull and Extreme Endurance. 

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